It’s All Your Fault

It concerns me greatly that we can no longer care for ourselves. Initially, the pioneers of this country bought, sold, and traded in order to make it easier to care for themselves. At what point did money turn us into perpetual children waiting for someone else to prepare the meal so we can satiate our hunger?

It goes beyond food though. It has turned into full blown responsibility. It is someone else’s responsibility to keep us safe. That, for any self affirmed adult, is ridiculous! I wonder how it became someone else’s job to ensure people wear seat belts… what should it matter to you if I take my life lightly? Storm warnings are an excellent example of this. People are either too stupid, stubborn, or both, to heed the warnings, so they had to be dramatized in an attempt to get more people to pay attention to them. I guess a ‘tornado warning’ wasn’t threat enough, but perhaps an ‘extreme tornado warning with immediate threat to life and property’ will get people to attempt to save their own lives. I take shelter every time there’s a tornado warning. If nothing happens, I’ve spent 20 minutes in a my basement bathroom unnecessarily. If something catastrophic does happen, I value my life enough to have spent those 20 minutes in a bathroom even if I didn’t have to poop.

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